COS Board of Trustees
The Circle of Seasons Charter School is governed by an appointed Board of Trustees. Board members are volunteers who support the mission and vision of Circle of Seasons (COS) and offer their individual areas of expertise to monitor the school’s performance in accordance with the approved charter application.
Members of the COS Board of Trustees set the overall direction for the school by managing the budget, enacting school policies, and carrying out short and long-term strategic planning.
Board meetings are held monthly on the 4th Thursday (unless otherwise announced) and are open to the public.
Board Members
Valerie Case - Board President
Dave Caulwell - Vice President and Secretary
David Matulevich - Board Treasurer
To contact all members of the BOT:
COS Board Meeting Minutes, Agendas, and Documents
COS Schoolwide Comprehensive Plan 2022-2025
COS Block Rotation & PA Standards Alignment
Agency Open Records Officer
Joey Huber
jhuber@circleofseasons.org | 610-285-6267
8380 Mohr Lane Fogelsville, Pa 18051
Office of Open Records Request Form