Multi Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
Circle of Seasons Charter School believes that to provide the most effective education for all students, we must start with providing an effective education for each child, and truly understanding who they are. We know that children have different learning styles and not all children will respond to the same instructional approach. Some students may require additional support to experience success. At COS, we use Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), a 3-tiered approach, to identify and support students who are not experiencing success with our core curriculum and instructional strategies. These students will be provided with two levels of support beyond the core curriculum. MTSS has been identified as best practice in education, and fulfills federal and state requirements for meeting the needs of all students.
At TIer 1 (i.e. core curriculum), the classroom teacher uses the core curriculum for all students, including strategies to support students with different skill levels. Research has shown that at least 80% of students can be successful with the general education approach and curriculum.
At TIer 2, the core curriculum are supplemented with additional small-group interventions for students who are struggling at Tier 1. At COS, students are provided with additional instruction in their area(s) of need. Parents will be notified in writing and proposed interventions and support strategies will be described.
At Tier 3, a small percentage of students who do not benefit from Tier 2 are provided more individualized and more focused interventions.
WIthin each tier, student progress is monitored on a schedule determined by the student’s need. At Tier 1, all students’ basic skills are monitored 3 times a year. At Tier 2 and Tier 3, students’ skills are monitored more frequently.
We take very seriously our responsibility to ensure the success of ALL students. MTSS allows us to support each student more effectively. The goal of MTSS is to close achievement gaps and ensure that all students are successful at Tier 1.