Parent Circle
The Circle of Seasons Parent Circle is a parent-led community of volunteers that help to plan and coordinate several COS events throughout the school year. All parents/guardians/grandparents are welcome to participate and it’s a great way to meet other families and support the school!
Parent Circle Sponsored Events
Boo Hoo Breakfast
Back to School Picinic
Pasta Dinner
Book Fair
May Fair
Fundraising Events
2024-2025 Parent Circle Executive Committee
President - Dante Fantozzi
Vice-President - Aimee Frasier
Treasurer - Abby van Horne-Brett
Recording Secretary - Lindsay Brooks
Craft Coordinator - Summre Inama-Patricella
Communications Coordinator - Toni Stevens
Food Coordinator - Michael Brack
If you have any special skills or resources that you would like to offer to the Parent Circle, or if you are interested in volunteering but are unable to attend Parent Circle meetings, please feel free to contact us at: parentcircle@circleofseasons.org.
Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm. Please check the Parent Circle website for exact meeting dates, meeting minutes, seasonal events, and fundraisers.