Student Assistance Program (SAP)
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a system of early intervention for students who are experiencing barriers to successful learning or personal growth. At risk students may be exhibiting signs of emotional or behavioral concerns, or substance use. Our team of SAP members is trained and certified to identify barriers, gather objective data, implement school based programming, and make recommendations to help families access support from outside agencies. The team does not diagnose or provide treatment, but working from student strengths, develops a comprehensive plan to address student needs. Parent and guardian permission is necessary to begin services, and active parental participation is integral to the success of SAP interventions.
Referrals to the Student Assistance Program can be made by anyone in our school community with a concern about a student. Referrals can be submitted by parents, teachers, and students. All referrals remain anonymous. Referral forms can be accessed through the link on this page, or at the COS front desk. Please submit forms in the locked gray box at the front desk.
For more information, please contact one of our Student Assistance Program team members at 610-285-6267.
The COS Student Assistance Program team includes:
Jill Jenkins, School Counselor
Kate Elias, Dean of Students - Middle School
Casey Faurl, SEL Teacher